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Sleeping Dog’s Fart Startles The Cat, So She Retaliates In Hilarious Fashion

The dog is sleeping and the cat is resting by his side while its owner records the peaceful scene.

It goes perfectly when the puppy unknowingly emits a small squeak and the cat is surprised and surprised. Look disgusted at the dog before taking revenge. 😀
The angry cat takes revenge with some pumpkin shots! The poor dog didn't want to say it and certainly couldn't do anything about it, but the cat is not happy.

The blows awaken the dog, but instantly raises them and returns to recline the head to continue sleeping! Very fun everywhere. This is fun and you have to see it!
Sleeping Dog’s Fart Startles The Cat, So She Retaliates In Hilarious Fashion Sleeping Dog’s Fart Startles The Cat, So She Retaliates In Hilarious Fashion Reviewed by We Love Pets on September 11, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. never heard a dog make that noise in my life. what a crock!

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  3. My little Pomeranian was a very active gas passer. He kept us amused for years! Every time Spencer farted he looked around at his backside with a strange look on hug face. We miss him and his amusing gas passing!


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