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Handicapped man stands before judges at audition. His performance? OMG

All people are different and unique. This is what makes the world wonderful and interesting. It is also what makes us all special. For example, some people may lose a limb and could be for any reason. There is no longer a stigma associated with such things because we have passed as a society and culture to embrace those who are different. Special people are like everyone else, but they often work harder. They can have the same determination as a person without obvious disabilities and can reach so much ... As a person with disabilities, I speak from experience. We may have to work a little more, but we can climb the same mountains as the others. Just watch this video here from a singing audition to see what can happen to anyone ...
Handicapped man stands before judges at audition. His performance? OMG Handicapped man stands before judges at audition. His performance? OMG Reviewed by We Love Pets on September 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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