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He Was Standing Right On The Edge Of That Pool. But Watch When That Dog Comes Running From Behind

Dogs are adorable creatures. They are not afraid of looking foolish and they know how to have fun. They can have fun even when they have nothing to play with! They are also pretty good at jokes. For example, check out this dog! You'll be in hysteria when you see what this cute Labrador does in the clip!

The farmers enjoy the water and are known to be amazing swimmers. But this dog does not like it very much. Instead, he has a completely different hobby. Toyo the Lab loves to push people to the pool. He was lovingly nicknamed "the lifeguard", but every time he sees someone standing near the edge of the pool, he gives him a shove! And he also makes a victory return after it's over!

He Was Standing Right On The Edge Of That Pool. But Watch When That Dog Comes Running From Behind He Was Standing Right On The Edge Of That Pool. But Watch When That Dog Comes Running From Behind Reviewed by We Love Pets on September 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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